daging berwarna merah bahasa Inggris
- daging: flesh; meat; carcass; raw meat; meats; vulcanized
- berwarna: chromatic; colour; colour, color; coloured;
- berwarna merah: rose colored; rosy; rose-coloured; rose
- merah: red; ruddy; bloodshot; crimson; scarlet;
- It was discovered in the 19th century that salt mixed with nitrates (saltpeter) would color meats red, rather than grey, and consumers at that time then strongly preferred the red-colored meat.
Pada abad ke-19, ditemukan cara mencampur garam dengan nitrit (saltpeter) yang membuat daging tetap berwarna merah, ketimbang abu-abu, dan para pelanggan pada waktu itu sangat suka daging berwarna merah.